Here's a little something I stumbled upon that I recommend to every man out there, simply because of the sheer results it can bring. Emotional addiction is a powerful thing, so getting a woman addicted to you will guarantee that you remain in her life, no matter what. The most magnificent part is that most men are simply unaware of how easy it actually is to push a woman's emotional buttons so simply by reading up to this point, you're already ahead of most men that you know - bravo! All it takes is to read a little further and you'll be able to achieve things with women that you never thought could be possible before.
"- No matter what". All women need emotional stability, so show them that you're the man who can give it to them and they'll instantly place you above the teaming masses. They need a man who will cry with them, laugh with them and comfort them, even when they're being irrational and PMS-y. All you have to do is prove that you're the man for the job.
"- Just a little token". If you give her tokens of your affection every now and then, she'll be more than happy in the end. Men fail to realize that sometimes, the expensive necklace isn't needed as much as a simple 'I thought about you' gift. What constitutes such a gift? Her favorite kind of Starbucks in the morning or a thoughtful massage when she says her shoulders hurt. Doing even one of these things will show her how much you care about her.
"- Hypnosis". Hypnosis is best used as a final measure, or if you feel like confirming that she's yours in every possible way. Using hypnosis, her thoughts will become an open book to you and you will be able to influence them at a whim. A great way to accomplish this would be by injecting yourself into happy thoughts and memories of hers, so that her subconscious slowly starts to associate you with those positive states.
"- Use Fractionation." A shockingly powerful tactic to turn a woman on known as Fractionation is said to give guys the superpowers to seduce women faster than you ever thought possible
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